Fashion Trades & Agencies Private Limited

is a RBI registered Non Bank Finance Company (NBFC)

This is to inform all the existing borrowers of M/s. Alexcy Tracon Private Limited (ATPL) that M/s. Fashion Trades & Agencies Private Limited (FTAPL) has purchased the Loan Book of M/s. Alexcy Tracon Private Limited. Therefore, with effect from 1st September, 2023 all the loans of M/s. ATPL has been transferred to M/s. FTAPL and accordingly M/s. FTAPL will be collecting the outstanding. We also hereby inform to all the existing borrowers that soon all the outstanding loan accounts will be viewed in Credit Bureaus in the name of M/S Fashion Trades & Agencies Private Limited (FASHTRADE).
Now, M/s. Fashion Trades & Agencies Private Limited (FTAPL) has also decided to provide the Golden opportunity for all the existing borrowers to pay only the principle amount and clear their full loan and update their credit score.

Important Disclosure - This is to inform all the borrowers that after repayment it will take certain period of time to reflect the closure of the loan accounts in credit bureaus. For updated credit report you need to check CIBIL official website (Please note – CIBIL charges money for the latest credit report).

Fashion Trades operates under the following segments


Corporate/Individual Loans: FTAPL advances loans to Corporates/individuals. Digital Lending: Not Available


Fashion Trades makes judicious investments in listed, unlisted and start- up companies under this segment.